Плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка

плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка
плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка
плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка слика 2
плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка слика 3
плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка слика 4
плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка слика 5
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Локација:  Украина м.Дніпро8446 км од вас
Датум на објавување:  16.12.2024
Каталошки број на продавачот:  10504
Состојба:  нов

Дополнителни информации — Плужно цртало Disco-anchor coulter за сеалка

Designed for direct sowing, as well as for work on the technology of mini-till and no-till.
The coulter is equipped with a cutting disc that cuts crop residues and plant roots located in the surface soil layer.
Support wheels are installed next to the cutting disk, which, in addition to copying the field microrelief, press the crop residues, facilitating their cutting, and compact the soil surface, which allows the anchor to prepare a neat groove with less soil loosening.
Following the anchor is a plastic seed and fertilizer compactor, which tightly presses the seeds to the bottom of the groove, ensuring their guaranteed contact with moist soil.
a parallelogram copying mechanism with a stroke of 23 cm, which ensures a constant optimal angle of attack of the anchor knife, regardless of the height of the frame, steel hardened plain bearings are used on this node, and an adjustable tension spring (has five initial pressure positions) provides additional pressure for stable penetration of the knife;
supporting copy wheels with a diameter of 400x112 mm consist of a rubber rim and a steel disk and are located on both sides of the split disk; supporting-copying wheels perfectly keep depth copying field relief; in addition, they press the crop residues, facilitating their cutting, and compact the soil surface, which allows the anchor to prepare a neat groove with less loosening of the soil;
for work on waterlogged soil without sticking, the wheels are equipped with scrapers;
alloy steel cutting disk is located in front of the anchor and is designed to cut plant debris and prepare the passage of the anchor;
14 mm wide anchor knife made of wear-resistant alloy steel; sowing depth adjustment is carried out by changing the position of the anchor relative to the copy wheels and has a range of 0-140 mm in increments of 10 mm;
a plastic seed and fertilizer compactor is installed on the anchor, which tightly presses the seeds to the bottom of the groove, ensuring their guaranteed contact with moist soil;
the design of this coulter allows you to change the distance from the cutting disc to the anchor, thereby ensuring that the anchor is not clogged with crop residues.
Length, mm ……………………………..… 1210
Width, mm ............................................... 375
Height, mm ……………………….............. 815
Pressure on the soil, kg ........................... 450
Seeding band width, mm ......................... 14
Jockey wheel, mm ................................... 400х112
The diameter of the cutting disc, mm .......381
Seeding depth, max, mm ........................ 140
Opener stroke for copying relief, mm ...... 230
Mounting on the seeder frame .... beam 80x80 or 100x100
Weight of opener, kg ................................. 95
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