Шасија Harrow frame 21m за брана

шасија Harrow frame 21m за брана
шасија Harrow frame 21m за брана
шасија Harrow frame 21m за брана слика 2
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6.070 €
270.100 UAH
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Тип: шасија
Локација: Украина м.Дніпро8446 км од вас
Каталошки број на продавачот: 10405
Датум на објавување: 5.3.2025
Вкупни димензии: височина - 0,8 м
Состојба: нов

Дополнителни информации — Шасија Harrow frame 21m за брана

The coupling of harrows with a working width of 21 meters from the manufacturer Avers-Agro is designed for a wide range of tillage operations. The unique frame design allows you to install on the hitch as a section of the tooth harrow, and section of the spring harrow. This solution allows you to actually have two units based on one frame.
The design of the 21 meter harrow coupling has been completed with all the wishes of the farmers and is constantly being developed and improved by the efforts of the design and production resources of Avers-Agro.
Design features of the 21 meter hydroficated harrow hitch:
conversion to a tooth harrow or spring harrow
hydraulic mechanism for lowering and raising the harrows. Allows you to raise and lower the harrows during operation, thereby facilitating maneuvers on the field.
increased clearance (0.6m). It is a big plus when operating the unit in a transport position.
metal restriction rods. This solution makes it possible to move the harrow both in front and back, which gives greater maneuverability in small areas of the field.
easy access to the transport wheels in the folded position of the harrow, for routine repair and maintenance.

Productivity, ha / hour : 18.2
Working speed, no more, km / h : 9
Transport speed, no more, km / h  : 20
Working width, m : 21
A type : trailed
length m : 10,9
width m : 21
height, m : 0,8
Transport length, m : 10,9
Transport width, m : 4,2
Transport height, m : 2,2
Unit weight kg  : 1950
Tractor power, though, HP . : 110
Attendants : 1
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