Нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer

нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 2
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 3
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 4
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 5
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 6
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 7
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 8
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 9
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 10
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 11
нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer слика 12
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Марка: Flex
Модел: Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer
Локација: Украина м.Дніпро8446 км од вас
Каталошки број на продавачот: 10315
Датум на објавување: 5.3.2025
Тип: за трактор
Ширина на опфаќање: 14 м
Состојба: нов
Дополнителни информации
Боја: зелен

Дополнителни информации — Нови запчеста фреза Flex Harrow Green Way 5.3 m transformer

loosening and leveling the surface of the field;
crust breakdown and moisture retention in the soil;
weed control in the "white thread" stage;
even distribution of chopped straw and partial incorporation of crop residues (preservation of nitrogen in the soil);
reducing soil erosion;
soil preparation for sowing;
the cultivation of fallow lands (virgin lands);
steam processing;
incorporation of fertilizers into the soil.
flex harrow is used in different soil and climatic zones when processing soils of different texture with moisture up to 28% and hardness up to 3.5 MPa (35 kg / cm²), not clogged with stones, flagstone and other obstacles;
flex harrow are aggregated with wheeled and tracked tractors with engine power corresponding to the working width of a particular model;
the working body of the harrow - the tooth has a knife-like (rhombic) section and is made of high-strength steel. The approximate service life of the teeth is 8 hectares per tooth, which is approximately the distance covered by the tooth of 5000 km;
the rhombic section of the tooth, in comparison with the standard square section of the teeth, with which most harrows are equipped, allows, while ensuring all technological operations, to reduce the load on the tractor's tractive effort by up to 20%, which in turn allows the use of a tractor with a capacity of 80-370 hp. for aggregation with harrows with a working width of 5 to 24 m;
adjustment of the angle of attack of the teeth has 2 main positions: aggressive - 38 ° and passive - 50 ° and 4 additional positions;
the teeth are fixed on transverse rods, pivotally connected to each other in a 16-row train. And this, in turn, allows you to qualitatively copy the features of the relief during processing;
each 16-row train consists of two parts of 8 rows, which can be installed separately if necessary, for example, when the field is excessively clogged or the tractor is insufficiently powered;
the pitch of the tooth field when using a 16-row train is 15 mm, with a tooth width of 16 mm, i.e. with such an arrangement of teeth, 100% of the field area is processed.
Productivity at a speed of 12 km / h, ha / h ... 6.3
Working width of capture, m ... 5.28
Aggregation type ... trailed
Working length, m ... 9.36
Transport width, m ... 2.8
Transport height, m ​​... 3.7
Transport length, m ... 4.75
Working depth of tillage, mm ... 20-80
Number of loops, pcs ... 4
Number of loops during vineyard processing, pcs ... 2
Number of rows in a train, pcs ... 8 * 2 = 16
Number of standard teeth, pcs ... 352
Number of standard teeth for vineyard processing, pcs ... 160
Number of teeth on a length of 300 mm, pcs ... 20
Adjusting the angle of attack of the teeth ... 6 positions (2 main and 4 additional)
2 main positions ... 38 ° and 50 °
Tractor power not less, h.p. ... 88
Minimum number of hydraulic outlets ... 2
Pressure in the hydraulic system of the tractor, bar ... 180
Weight, kg ... 1910
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Цена на барање
Тип за трактор Ширина на опфаќање 21 м Број на редови 16 Длабочина на обработка 80 мм Капацитет 25,3 ха/час Потребна сила на трактор 350 кс Работна брзина 15 км/ч
Украина, м.Дніпро
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Цена на барање
Ширина на опфаќање 4,3 м
Украина, м.Дніпро
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Цена на барање
Украина, м.Дніпро
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Цена на барање
Украина, м.Дніпро
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нови запчеста фреза Секция зубовой бороны нови запчеста фреза Секция зубовой бороны
101,30 € 4.510 UAH
Украина, м.Дніпро
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233,70 € 10.400 UAH
Тип за трактор
Украина, м.Дніпро
Контактирајте го продавачот
3.521 € 156.700 UAH
Украина, м.Дніпро
Контактирајте го продавачот
Цена на барање
Тип за трактор Ширина на опфаќање 15,36 м Длабочина на обработка 80 мм Капацитет 18,4 ха/час Работна брзина 12 км/ч
Украина, м.Дніпро
Контактирајте го продавачот
14.160 € 630.000 UAH
Ширина на опфаќање 9 м Број на редови 16 Потребна сила на трактор 180 кс
Украина, м.Вінниця
Контактирајте го продавачот
786,50 € 35.000 UAH
Ширина на опфаќање 10 м
Украина, Нивра
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2.297 € 9.600 PLN
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Полска, Niepołomice
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574,30 € 2.400 PLN
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574,30 € 2.400 PLN
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490,60 € 2.050 PLN
Полска, Warka
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490,60 € 2.050 PLN
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1.077 € 4.500 PLN
Полска, Zielonki
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1.077 € 4.500 PLN
Полска, Lublin
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1.077 € 4.500 PLN
Полска, Warka
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