Нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer

нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 2
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 3
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 4
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 5
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 6
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 7
нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer слика 8
Заинтересирани сте за огласот?
290,70 €
12.500 UAH
Контактирајте го продавачот
Тип:  пружинеста фреза
Локација:  Украина м.Дніпро
Датум на објавување:  2.5.2024
Каталошки број на продавачот:  10357
Ширина на опфаќање:  1 м
Број на редови:  2
Простор помеѓу редови:  102 мм
Состојба:  нов

Дополнителни информации — Нови пружинеста фреза Comb 2 rows width 1 meter buy in Ukraine from the manufacturer

A comb ( rake , spring, groomer) for a cultivator or disc harrow is an important part in the process of tillage. After the passage of the main working body, there are bumps, clods of land and plant debris, which can complicate further operations on the field. A two-row comb with a width of 1 meter due to vibration during operation ensures loosening of the soil, leveling the surface of the field, removing small weed, fertilizing and even distribution of plant residues. Due to the ability to adjust the angle of attack (4 positions), you can achieve the maximum effect depending on the tasks.
number of rows of springs: 2
spacing between springs: 102mm
number of tilt adjustments: 4
spring diameter: 12mm
adjustment of the pressing force of the comb 10-50 kg
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